How Runway Improved Customer Experience Insights

How Runway Improved Customer Experience Insights

Runway is the easiest and the most user-friendly finance platform that helps with business modeling. They had the challenge of pulling useful insights from Customer Experience (CX) calls. While their setup with Zapier, Airtable, and Slack worked well for sales calls, it didn’t do the same for CX. The summaries weren't great, making it hard to grab valuable info consistently. But when they added Wordware into their process, everything changed. The summaries got better, their work became easier, and they didn't need extra help from engineers.

The finance platform you don't hate.

Runway is changing how teams think about business modeling, planning, and alignment. They want a finance platform that’s not just strong but also easy to use. Everyone in the team can jump in to help build a great company. The platform has tons of features that make business simple—from adaptable modeling to scenario planning that connects numbers to real business goals. Runway’s reporting tools let teams create stunning, interactive reports that stay up-to-date. Plus, its smart integrations automatically update forecasts using data from different business tools.

The Challenge: Getting Good Insights from CX Calls

Though their automation worked great for sales calls, it didn’t quite match up with CX calls. These conversations often dive into tricky topics that are hard to summarize quickly & clearly using normal automation tools. Their current setup with Zapier, Airtable, and Slack could only deliver summaries that were missing important details needed to really improve customer experience.

  1. Complex Data: CX calls can be messy, covering a wide range of topics and requiring nuanced understanding to extract valuable insights.
  2. Low-Quality Summaries: Their current system produced summaries that missed the mark leading to missed opportunities to capture and act on customer feedback.
  3. Resource Constraints: Fixing the workflow to better handle CX calls would typically require significant engineering effort, which was not feasible for the Runway team at the time.

The Solution: Wordware Improve CX Call Summaries

Runway turned to Wordware to enhance their workflow and improve the quality of insights generated from CX calls. Integrating Wordware into their workflow helped them tackle those tricky challenges without needing more engineering help.

  1. Seamless Integration: Wordware was integrated into Runway’s existing workflow, taking over specific tasks previously managed by Zapier.This included triggering prompts, saving data to Airtable, and sending messages to Slack, all while focusing on improving the output quality for CX call summaries.
  2. Improved Insight Extraction: Thanks to Wordware’s smart features, Runway now creates more accurate & detailed summaries of CX calls. This improvement enabled the team to capture valuable insights that were previously overlooked, driving better decision-making and customer experience enhancements
  3. No Engineering Required: The whole integration was handled by just one product manager! No extra engineering support was necessary at all. This made things quick so they could keep moving without slowing down other important projects.

The Result: Better Insights, Streamlined Operations

Now, Wordware is part of their workflow. Runway captures the full range of high-quality summaries from their CX calls! They capture all sorts of insights needed to keep customers satisfied. With these improved summaries, they're able to act on feedback way better—updating their products & services nicely too! Plus, the new streamlined process cuts down the manual work needed for handling CX call data—letting the team focus on bringing even more innovations.

Conclusion: Wordware—Helping Runway Deliver Awesome Customer Experiences

Runway really cares about making business modelling & planning easy for everyone involved is matched by their dedication to continuously improving their internal processes. By teaming up with Wordware, they tackled major issues in pulling insights from CX calls while upgrading their workflow without needing extra engineers. Now with Wordware’s help, Runway delivers even more value to customers through actionable insights that help make smarter decisions.

If you’re curious about how Runway is making finance and business planning simpler for everyone, check out more about their platform here

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