How Cartage Automated Customer Reporting

How Cartage Automated Customer Reporting

Cartage, a trailblazer in the freight coordination industry, is transforming how manufacturers and distributors manage their shipments. By replacing traditional freight brokers and internal logistics teams with a tech-driven, transparent system, Cartage is saving companies up to 30% on shipping costs. However, as the company grew fast, it hit big challenges. They had loads of messy data and complex customer questions to deal with. That’s when they met Wordware. Using Wordware, Cartage built a smart agent that can dig into their huge database quickly & give customers the right answers—all without needing extra engineering help.

About Cartage: Redefining Freight Coordination for the Modern Era

Cartage is leading a revolution in freight coordination. In a world where things are often unclear and slow, they’re offering a bright, tech-friendly path forward. Their approach gets rid of the need for traditional brokers & logistics teams. With better visibility on every shipment, they not only cut costs by up to 30%, but they also deliver services that can’t be beaten. Companies across North America, spending $400 billion each year on moving goods, are choosing Cartage to make their operations smoother. 

The Challenge: Managing Unstructured Data and Complex Customer Queries

As Cartage grew, so did their data. They managed tons of records for every client—lots of info about shipments and services. With this growth came many customer questions, often super specific about accounts and shipments. Answering these questions took a lot of time and hard work.

  1. Unstructured Data: Cartage had vast amounts of unstructured logistics data, making it challenging to efficiently retrieve and utilize information.
  2. Complex Customer Queries: Customers often posed detailed, custom queries that required digging through extensive records, a task that was difficult to manage without significant manual intervention.
  3. High Engineering Costs: Building a solution to handle these queries within any other framework would have required extensive engineering resources, potentially delaying development and leading to suboptimal results.

The Solution: Automating Customer Queries with Wordware

Cartage turned to Wordware to overcome these challenges.  With their platform, they created a smart agent that could answer customer questions quickly by checking their big database—without needing any extra engineering help.

  1. Autonomous Agent: Using Wordware, Cartage developed an app that acts as an autonomous agent. This agent can query their database and retrieve relevant information to answer customer queries accurately and quickly.
  2. Streamlined Operations: The app significantly reduced the time spent on manual query processing, allowing Cartage’s team to focus on further innovation and customer service improvements.
  3. Cost and Resource Savings: By utilizing Wordware, Cartage avoided the need to hire external engineering help. They were able to develop and deploy this solution rapidly, cutting down on engineering time and reducing operational costs.

The Result: Enhanced Efficiency and Superior Customer Service

Thanks to Wordware, Cartage successfully automated their customer query process. They turned something that used to take ages into a quick and smooth process. Now the smart agent answers complicated questions easily, providing customers with quick & reliable responses. This change has boosted customer satisfaction and allowed Cartage to focus on what matters most: reinventing freight coordination

Conclusion: Wordware Supports Cartage in Improving Freight Management

Cartage is setting a new standard in the freight industry by combining transparency, technology, and efficiency. Partnering with Wordware let them tackle big challenges like messy data & tricky customer queries while staying true to their promise of innovation. Wordware gave them what they needed to automate important tasks, save money & keep giving amazing value to their clients.

If you’re interested in how Cartage is transforming the freight industry with its tech-driven approach, explore more about its services here. Want to see how Wordware can help your business run smoother? Start exploring our platform today.