How AiSDR Saves Hours of Manual Work

How AiSDR Saves Hours of Manual Work
"It takes around 2 minutes to execute the master prompt end to end. Before this, it took my team 4-6 hours to do the same amount of work manually and often I was less happy with the results. Revolutionary."

— Yuriy Zaremba, CEO @ AiSDR

Who is AiSDR?

AiSDR (YC S23) builds automated sales pipelines, incorporating information from CRMs, social networks like LinkedIn, and various other sources to build a deep understanding of prospects, and engage them via text and email. AiSDR does the work of a team of sales development representatives (SDR’s) in sourcing the most promising prospects and moving them to your sales team to close.

Sales has a problem: in even the best of cases, only a small portion of leads will turn into sales. Every product is a not a fit for every customer, and narrowing the list of leads to those that are most likely to purchase consumes vast amounts of time. Startups pay this cost two-fold, as in the early stages of building a company the ideal customer is unknown, so it’s often difficult if not impossible to know which leads are a good fit until far more time has been spent on the sales process.

AiSDR takes on this cost on companies’ behalf, automating the process of sorting through all the conversations and finding the best prospects for the sales team, saving vast amounts of time and enabling companies to converge on their ideal customer profile faster than otherwise possible.

What problem did they have?

The tools currently on the market for developing complex AI workflows lie on a spectrum from simplistic to technical. The simplest workflows can be built by anyone copying and pasting into ChatGPT, while the most complex require complex and highly-technical tools like Langchain.

AiSDR relies on deeply nested, highly complex prompts for crafting personas for their automated communication, researching prospects, drafting emails and texts, and countless other functions. These prompts would typically require weeks of machine learning engineer time to craft; the CEO wanted to be able to write them himself, ideally in an afternoon.

Working with Wordware

AiSDR made heavy use of Wordware’s most advanced prompting features, leveraging structured generations, conditionals, loops, and many, many subflows to construct their AI stack on top of Wordware.

By making full use of Wordware’s intuitive tools, AiSDR enabled even non-technical staff to participate directly in the creation and refinement of AI workflows, while capitalizing on the most AI powerful models available today, like GPT-4o and Claude 3.5 Sonnet.


AI is the foundation of the next generation of industry-leading companies. AiSDR is redefining the economics of sales, allowing any organization to use a team of one to handle only the final, most efficient parts of the sales process, all the while automating away all the research, email drafting, qualification, and message refinement required to arrive at the prospects most likely to benefit from the product or service.

If you’re interested in optimizing your sales process with AiSDR, check them out here.

If you’d like to see how they built their entire AI stack with Wordware, get started with a basic sales prompt here.